ITSKINS manufactures premium drop protection cases made from 100% recycled materials.

Green innovations

Pushing the boundaries of innovation and sustainability,
we design cases for everyday use.

OUR GOAL is to have the most technically innovative product produced in the most environmentally friendly factory in the world.

Sustainability in durability

Choosing a long-lasting product that doesn't need frequent replacement not only enhances the user experience but also benefits the environment by reducing waste.

Over 800,000

Phone cases recycled

which is over 560,000 kgs of plastic out of landfills

Over 367,000

Kgs of co2 offset with green energy

which is the equivalent of almost 1.600.000 kgs driven by an average gasoline-powered passenger vehicle

Over 276,300

liters of water saved every hours

in our sustainable manufacture


Product sustainability

Continue to source materials from renewable sources and utilize recycled materials in the production processes to reduce the environmental impact of the products.

Start using Pinatex on watch bands and leather cases.

Recycled fishing nets for our new line of charging cables.


Upcycled drop protection

ITSKINS upcycled cases are largely composed of post-industrial manufacturing scrap, but
also include other post-consumer recycled materials.

From using recycled materials to implementing energy efficient practices in our manufacturing processes, we are constantly seeking ways to reduce our carbon footprint.


Product sustainability

Continue to source materials from renewable sources and utilize recycled materials in the production processes to reduce the environmental impact of the products.

Start using Pinatex on watch bands and leather cases.

Recycled fishing nets for our new line of charging cables.


Upcycled drop protection

ITSKINS upcycled cases are largely composed of post-industrial manufacturing scrap, but
also include other post-consumer recycled materials.

From using recycled materials to implementing energy efficient practices in our manufacturing processes, we are constantly seeking ways to reduce our carbon footprint.

Reduce ♲ Reuse

Sustainable // Innovative // Upcycled //

Our sustainability timeline

We strive to operate our business in the most environmentally responsible way possible.

Our commitment goes beyond just our products. We strive to operate our business in the most environmentally responsible way possible.

Our 2021 achievements


Introduced FERONIABIO // CLEAR - the first antimicrobial, plant-based, clear case.

Started production in France for our Locally Made Origin.

Installed High-end water and air filtration systems in our Guangzhou.

Our 2022 achievements

Recycled materials

Introduced products made from Recycled Materials for new R _ Line.

Secured GRS Certification for Factory and Products . Achieved
Certificate No. ITS-I04093-GRS-01319500

Reduction of packaging weight from 92 grams to 36 grams by eliminating excess materials.

Our 2023 achievements

More sustainable

100% Recycled Source materials for full Product Collection.

Power 80% of the factory with sustainable energy.

Integration of Solar Panel Energy within frame work of Industrial Zone Green Energy Program.

Our 2024 goals

Our new energy-efficient factory

Our new building was built to China's 2030 Ecological Standards using less energy and better insulation.

Continue working with GRS suppliers for eco-friendly source materials (Pinatex leather/ recycled fishing nets).

Start Manufacturing in USA to minimize shipping needs.

The Future

Achieving carbon-neutrality

Expand automatisation facilities around the globe to encourage locally made products.

Facilitate the resale of our products through controlled programs.

Expand collaboration and community involvement programs.

Nature-focused Team Building Events 4x/year.

Our greener factory

We will be operating using 100% renewable energy, which aligns with our commitment to sustainability.

Waste reduction and recycling

Incorporating various technologies will enable us to recycle our materials effectively.Continuously enhancing product design and construction plays a crucial role in minimizing waste during the production process.

Global expansion

By increasing our product sales, we can achieve sustainability by continuously optimizing every stage of the process, from manufacturing to the end consumer

Certifications and audits

Certifications and audits serve a vital purpose in helping us identify areas for improvement. They provide valuable opportunities for growth and guide us towards becoming better versions of ourselves.

Over 800,000

Kilos of plastic saved from our 100% made of recycled paper packaging during the last 5 years

Today's packaging innovations

Continue to explore sustainable forestry practices for packaging.

Our packaging is made 100% of recycled paper. It has no plastics and no magnets.
We reinforced the hook for more durable packaging, reducing damaged packaging waste by 80%.
Packaging color improved to bleach white, aiding product sell-out, reducing waste and reducing EOL stock.

Made locally

Advancements in automatization allowed successful manufacturing in France and Australia, with plans to expand to other countries.

With patented technology for full automation production, our plug-and-play solution can be seamlessly integrated into any injection processing factory in the world.

Because it’s locally made, items shipped result in lower carbon emissions to deliver compared to items that ship from overseas.


We hold several certifications for our ECO-FRIENDLY products and manufacturing processes, and we plan to obtain more!

Our environmental performance is certified by:

Verifies the recycled content of ITSKINS products as well as responsible social, environmental, and chemical practices in our production.

By joining the UNGC, ITSKINS commits to fostering a more sustainable and inclusive global economy.

ISO 14001 helps ITSKINS improve our environmental performance through more efficient use of resources and reduction of waste.

Social compliance certification to assess workplace standards across the entire supply chain.

Our packaging is made from 100% recycled materials. Using recycled material makes the most of precious forest resources and reduces the pressure to harvest more trees.